Where Can Summer Interns Live?

Seneca College Newnham Campus
Photo Credits: Seneca College Newnham Campus


You are most likely aware that traditional apartments are a housing option during your summer internship away from home, but did you know that colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada make their dorms and student apartments available to interns every summer? That’s right! If you haven’t thought to explore university housing options in your internship city, now is the time to start. And you’re in luck because there is a convenient resource, Intern Housing Hub, that lists detailed profiles of campus housing that you can search by city to find accommodations that meet your locational needs, budget, and availability. Living in university housing can be a game-changer for your summer. Let’s dive into why this option is worth considering and how it can enhance your internship experience.


Why College Housing?


  1. Convenience and Community

One of the biggest perks of staying in college housing is convenience. Most colleges and universities are located in the centers of cities or vibrant neighborhoods, placing you close to your internship site, public transportation, and city amenities. This means short commutes to work and easy access to city attractions for your exploration!

Additionally, living in college housing means you’ll be part of a community. You’ll meet fellow interns and students, making it easier to build friendships and feel like you fit in with the people around you. Your next-door neighbor could be your new best friend!


  1. Affordable and Safe

Living in a big city can be expensive. College housing is often more affordable than renting an apartment, especially with included amenities like fully furnished rooms, Wi-Fi, utilities, laundry, and on-campus dining options. Plus, college dorms have campus police nearby and secured entry points to give you peace of mind in your new living accomodations.


  1. On-Campus Perks

Living in a college environment offers you traditional campus amenities like libraries and study lounges to career centers and gym facilities. You’ll have access to everything you need to balance work and relaxation. These resources provide a variety of options within footsteps of your living space, something that is hard to find in a traditional apartment building at an affordable price.


How to Find College Housing for Interns


Conveniently Intern Housing Hub is designed to help interns find housing options near their internship locations. This platform connects students with colleges and universities that offer summer housing, providing an efficient way to search, find, and apply for housing all in one place. Simply search by your internship city and browse through the detailed profiles to find the perfect fit for your needs. Then when you’re ready, fill out the form provided, or click the link to the campus application page, and soon you’ll be in touch with the university’s housing manager.


Tips for Making the Most of Your College Housing Experience


  1. Apply Early to Secure Your Preferred Housing

To help make the most of your experience in you new city, securing a housing accommodation that meets your needs is super important in making your transition as smooth and enjoyable as possible. With that said, there are 10s of thousands of other interns relocating this coming summer, and a timely request can mean the difference for landing your preferred housing option. Availability fills up quick in high demand cities, so acting fast to apply for housing is the best way to ensure you find the accommodations that suit you best.


  1. Embrace the Community

Get involved in activities and events organized by the college. It’s a great way to meet people, make friends, and have fun while you’re at it. Participate in social events, networking groups, or fitness classes to fully immerse yourself in the community.


  1. Use Campus Resources

Make the most of the resources available to you. Spend time in the library, take advantage of career counseling services, and stay active in the gym. These resources can help you stay balanced and productive during your internship.


  1. Explore the City

Living in college housing places you in the heart of the city most times. Take this opportunity to explore! Visit museums, parks, zoos, and exhibits. Make sure to check for student discounts at these types of attractions too. Campuses have easy access to public transportation, making your ability to explore that much easier! Try out new restaurants and cafés. Use your weekends to discover what the city has to offer and make lasting memories.


  1. Balance Work and Play

Remember, your summer internship is not just about work. It’s a time to grow personally and professionally. Find a balance between your internship responsibilities and enjoying your summer. Prioritize self-care, relaxation, and fun to make the most of this experience.


Choosing to live in college housing during your summer internship can be a smart move that enhances your experience in countless ways. From convenience and affordability to community and resources, it’s an option worth exploring. So, as you prepare for your upcoming internship, consider this alternative and make your summer unforgettable!


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Summer Intern Housing
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Seneca College Newnham Campus