James Stukel Towers (JST)

Shared Suite-Style

James Stukel Towers (JST)

Residence Type: Residence Hall
Occupancy Type: Double, Triple
Bath Type: Shared
Fully Furnished: Yes
Kitchen: No
Kitchen Utensils Included: No
Air Conditioning: Yes
Washer/Dryer: Yes

James Stukel Towers (JST) is comprised of four towers and can accommodate guests in 5-person suites. Each suite shares living space and bathrooms with a mix of single and double rooms. Every two floors are connected by a lounge with floor-to-ceiling windows. Each of the Towers offer a penthouse lounge/piano room. 



  • Air conditioning and heat
  • Free laundry
  • Kitchenettes and vending machines
  • Lounges and common areas



  • Extra-long twin bed
  • Desk and chair
  • Clothes closet and storage drawers
  • High-speed internet connection (including wireless)
  • Living Room – Chairs, couch, and coffee tables
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