Berkus Hall Suite

Berkus Hall Suite

Residence Type: Hotel-Like
Occupancy Type: Single
Bath Type: Shared
Fully Furnished: Yes
Kitchen: No
Kitchen Utensils Included: No
Air Conditioning: Yes
Washer/Dryer: Yes

Each suite includes 3 private singles + 1 bathroom.


  • Air-conditioning
  • Basic furnishings (bed, dresser, desk, desk chair)
  • Microwave and mini-fridge (1 per suite)
  • Lounges + outdoor courtyards
  • Access to elevator
  • Free laundry
  • Free secure on-site parking structure

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  •  7 meals per week = $3,727.31 for 5-weeks / $747.54 per additional week
  • 14 meals per week = $4,177.30 for 5-weeks / $847.84 per additional week
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